gather spread unite separate

This content has appeared before in a dirty data post, but I still find myself googling these functions. So they deserve a post of their own. The tidyr package has several functions that allow you to reshape your data. They are surprisely useful; I have found myself gathering a lot, mostly to get data from “SPSS format” into something that ggplot will handle. I have also discovered the flexibility with which you can spread the data on a particular variable, do a set of computations, and then gather it back for plotting…. handy.

From wide to long

Use gather(data, key, value, …)

data = the dataframe you want to morph from wide to long

key = the name of the new column that is levels of what is represented in the wide format as many columns

value = the name of the column that will contain the values

… = columns to gather, or leave (use -column to gather all except that one)

Kudos to Garrick Aden-Buie for creating these gganimation gif to illustrate tidyr processes

From long to wide

Use spread(data, key, value)

data = the dataframe you want to morph from long to wide

key = the name of the column that contains the key

value = the name of the column contains the values

Separate one column into many

Use separate(data, col, into)

data = dataframe

col = name of column to separate

into = character vector of new column [note- these need quotes]

separate(treatments, year_no, c(“year”, “month”))

separate() assumes you want to split on a space, period, forward slash or dash. You can give it an extra argument sep = “-” to specify what to separate on.

Unite many columns into one

Use unite(data, col, …)

data = dataframe

col = name of column to separate

… = bare names of columns to unite